What can the Alliance do for me personally?

Above all, the Alliance identifies and connects people motivated by the ethical priority of alleviating suffering in the world.

Starting with this global network of allies, anyone can develop ideas or projects that interest them, or contribute to such projects, and receive the Alliance’s support.

How are decisions made, who decides?

The Alliance is a global direct democracy, superseding international borders.

Every individual has the same decision-making power as any other.

There are no bosses, presidents, representatives, board of directors or head office.

Decisions are made by consent, which means taking the time to discuss any objection that may be raised.

What are the obligations and constraints of becoming an ally? Are there dues?

The only condition to respect in order to become an ally: share the Alliance’s ethical principle, which gives priority to alleviating suffering in the world.

There are no other obligations, no dues, no constraints to work as a volunteer: the Alliance is free of charge, and an ally is free to do as he or she pleases.

Practically speaking, how does it work?

The Alliance is organized exclusively around centers of interest.

Every ally is free to propose a new center of interest or to participate in an existing center of interest. The participants in a center of interest do as they like in an entirely decentralized manner. If it is necessary for moving things forward, they can ask for the approval of the parent center of interest, or ask for the approval of the Alliance itself.

For example, it is likely that a project would at some point, in order to reach its potential, require an official communication on the part of the Alliance. And any public communication by the Alliance — via its website — must be approved by the entire Alliance.

The Alliance itself is simply a place for the exchange of ideas and development of projects among a large group of people.

When a project arrives at the execution stage within the legal system (creation of structures, cash flows…), it is sufficient to create the ad hoc entity in the relevant country, if it does not already exist.

If a close connection to the Alliance is desirable, the creation of an entity should necessarily include allies within the management.

This is the case, for example, for structures administering funds on behalf of the Alliance, such as the Algosphere Agency, which is in charge of payments for services associated with the Alliance’s website.